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Thursday, 20 August 2015



The word BUSINESS is mention in 17 Books out of 66 Books that makes up GOD’s WORD.The HOLY BIBLE
In one passage The LORD GOD says
“Occupy till I come”
In modern English this means
“Do business till I come”
            “Trade till I come”
                    “Put money to work till I come”
                             “Invest the money till I come”
        The LORD GOD who admonishes us to do business also expects us to make profit as well. A hundred percent profit is acceptable to HIM
        While our GOD expects us to make profit,He is very much against profiteering. Excessive gain hurt our customer with whom we deal.
        Whatever business we are into, The LORD GOD expects us to do it with HIS proven, time tested rules of loving co-existence:
“Love your neighbor as yourself ”
“Do unto others as you will like them to do unto you”
        If all the traders and business men and women in our midst will keep these simple rules, then the LORD GOD will be pleased with our various businesses.
        To show you how important you are as a trader in GOD scheme of things, GOD has given a number of guidelines that will prevent you from cheating your fellow man from sinning against GOD
        Hear the LORD speak from HIS WORD
“Do not cheat any one by using false measures of length, weight, or quantity. Use honest scales, honest weight, and honest measure.”

        The LORD also tells us that we brought nothing to the world and definitely, none of us can carry anything out of this world. Naked we came from our mother’s womb and naked we will return.
        Since life is short and death is sure,we need to re-examine ourselves in the types of business that we are doing.
The LORD GOD reminds us that the soul of a man or woman is worth more than all the money stored in all the banks of the world.
        If a man should gain all the wealth of the world but loses his soul at the end, that person has lost everything because no one knows which deal will be the last deal before we die to appear before the judgment throne of GOD.
Each trader should treat each business deal as if it is the last one.
        If you want to be sure of gaining the treasure of heaven when all the business transaction on earth are over

YOUR Seven Ways To Success                                                                                          
1........... know that God loves you with everlasting love
2………… know that your sin separate you from God
3………… know that the punishment for sin is hell fire
4………… know that you cannot save yourself by being religious
5………… know that Jesus died and rose again to save you
6………… Confess and repent of your sins
7………… receive Jesus as your Lord and savior
Do It Now By Praying As Follows
Lord GOD, I know I am a sinner and I am not fit to appear before you .Thank you for sending the LORD JESUS to die and pay the price for my forgiveness. I believe that with His blood, JESUS has cleansed me from my sins by rising again from the dead HE has justified me before GOD and by ascending to heaven, He reconciled me to GOD. Come into my life LORD JESUS in the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and make me a child of God. Thank you for saving me, I know that I am now born again to enjoy a new life in. In JESUS Name I Pray. Amen.

To Grow In Grace And In The Knowledge Of The LORD
1………… Go To GOD In Prayer Always
2………… Read Gods Word Daily
3 …………Obey God’s Word In All Situation
4………… Witness For Christ Everywhere Anytime
5………… Trust In God In All Circumstances
6………… Holy Spirit Power To Live By
7………… Attend A Christ-Centered Church
For Biblical Counsel, Write To:
CALL 080JESUS777    080 53787 777

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